Title bars recognizing titles earned by Juniors will no longer be automatically mailed with Junior Recognition Certificates. Juniors wishing to receive titles bars will need to contact Juniors@akc.org and request the specific titles bar. Please include the Junior's name, mailing address, and specific title bar(s) being requested in the email.

When most people think of Juniors they picture them neatly dressed in the conformation ring with a well groomed dog. But there are juniors who also show up at Earthdog events to send their dogs to ground after an Earthdog title and others who enter the arena with their dogs to herd a small flock of sheep or ducks. Not to mention those who go into the field with pointers, spaniels and retrievers in hunting tests. Nothing pleases performance event attendees more than seeing a junior at the end of the lead.

Dachshund clubs have held special events with Juniors as judges in the Veteran class at field trials. Beagle clubs are always encouraging Junior handlers at their club trials. Grandfathers bring their grandsons; fathers bring their sons or daughters. Without our Juniors in the field with their dogs, we would be missing the joy of seeing the sport continue to grow into the future.

Performance events is lucky enough to have Juniors who also write articles and Juniors who earn titles and Juniors who run dogs in Nationals. In an effort to recognize our Juniors in performance events we ask that you submit photos of Juniors with their dogs in the field or arena to performance@akc.org.

Note for Junior Handlers

In an ongoing effort to increase the number of Juniors in Performance, the Performance Events Department is pleased to announce the following addition to the Pointing Breed Hunting Test and Spaniel Hunting Test Programs:

“A dog that has acquired a qualifying score as a Master Hunter may continue to enter Junior or Senior Hunting Tests provided the handler is under the age of 18 at the beginning date of the test level.  No further Junior or Senior Hunter certificates will be issued.”