Kansas City Golden Retriever Club

Club Type:  S/O/RLY/TR/TX/TDU/AG
Web Site: http://www.kcgrc.org/
Territory:  For Territory Information contact Club Relations ClubRelations@akc.org

Breed Competition Type
Affiliation Level
Golden Retriever Agility Licensed
Golden Retriever Obedience Licensed
Golden Retriever AKC Rally® Licensed
Golden Retriever Specialty Licensed
Golden Retriever Tracking Dog Urban Licensed
Golden Retriever Tracking Licensed
Golden Retriever Tracking Excellent Licensed

Club officers are responsible for maintaining the information on this tab. If a club officer needs assistance in obtaining an access code to the web-based tool used to make updates, please contact ClubOutreach@akc.org

Contact Information

Theodore M. Barnett, MD

Meeting Information
Meeting Locations: Varies with program. Check the website or Facebook page.
Meeting Dates: Usually the third Monday of the month. Check our website or Facebook page for most current dates.


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